Lip Service, calling...

Welcome to LIP SERVICE beauty concierge!

We are Austin's first on-site beauty concierge service, which basically means... we're you're go-to glam team when you need to be ready in a flash and have ZERO time to to get to a salon or department store. WE COME TO YOU! Does it get much better than that?

Ding! Ding! LIP SERVICE calling!

Simply log in to our website on your computer or mobile device, customize your service, book your appointment time & date, checkout, and VIOLA.... Sit back, relax, your new BFF is on their way! No, we're not talking about your best friend, we're talking about your new Beauty Friend Forever! Wether it be your home, office, or hotel; our goal is to unite beauty, luxury, and convenience to give our clients a new and better option for their beauty needs.

Take a look around and really see how easy it is to book your next beauty treatment. It'll take you longer getting into your car than it will to book your service. (We're not kidding!)

What are you waiting for?